Digital Fluency

Digital Fluency

As an educator building skills for  children to become digitally fluent they need to expose them to lots of different technologies, for personal skills to improve they need to be given lots of opportunities with a variety of programs and master how to surf the internet with the use of key words. Through consistent use of technologies  children learn and acquire new skills through trial and error,  these can be greatly improved by the teacher implementing basic practises and providing various experiences such as using technology for different types and ways of learning. The more exposure that children have engaged with technology will undoubtably contribute to their digital fluency. As educators we have to remember that not all children have access to digital technologies at home therefore for some children the only time that they get to experience using technology is whilst at school, this should be taken into account when homework and projects are set. Employers are also digitally expectant. Whether their employees are students doing a part-time job during their secondary schooling or people leaving the education system for the world of work, employers expect them to be able to use digital technologies (Howell, 2012). It is a teachers responsibility to ensure that students are given lots of opportunities to become digitally fluent.


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